Ian Livingstone
Reviewed by Mark Lain
For anyone
who originally discovered FF by way of The
Warlock Of Firetop Mountain, the prospect of a sequel is a very juicy one
indeed. Cunningly released as a 10th Anniversary book, set 10 years
after the first and, originally, intended to be the series’ swansong, this book
ended up being such a success that Puffin gave the series a stay of execution,
if only for a further nine books. To further increase the appeal of this
offering, the idea that the original’s writing team of Steve Jackson and Ian
Livingstone would work together on it would surely be too much excitement for
one FF fan to cope with. Could we even get art from Russ Nicholson to top all
this off? In a word, no. However, the internal art is by the equally great
Martin McKenna, so this was still looking promising at the conceptual stage.
Things started to lose their attraction when SJ bailed out supposedly due to
other commitments, leaving IL to put this book together all on his own. For me,
that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as I always preferred Ian’s initial half of
the book to the rather more manic Jackson second part, but that’s just because
there always seemed to be far more to see and do in Ian’s bit, and there’s no
question that the original wouldn’t have been anything like as varied and
surprising if it had just been a Livingstone dungeon trawl.
So, what common
Livingstone-isms do we get as a result of IL writing it by himself?
- · Linearity – check
- · Cameo from irritating idiot wizard Yaztromo – check
- · Long shopping list of often dangerously well-hidden essential items – check
- · Sequel with so-so introductory prologue bit before we get to the bit we are really waiting for (like in #21 Trial Of Champions) – check
- · Theory that anyone can win no matter how low their initial stats being a complete lie and you having little hope unless you roll maximum Skill and Luck and damn high Stamina – check
- · Often very difficult trivia challenges with Inquisitor-type figures – check
- · Lots of instant deaths and/or life/death situations – check
- · Over-enthusiastic sidekick who instantly dies - check
It may seem,
then, that this book is a typically harsh later series entry peppered with
Livingstone’s oft-criticised combination of wandering down tunnels and deciding
whether to open doors or not, interspersed with occasional traps along the way,
mixed in with a large number of factors that are likely to make you die. Which
it is, to an extent, but there is much more to it than just this as the
construction and thought that has gone into making this really feel like a
return to Firetop Mountain rather than a cheap cash-in follow-up are what
really make it a winner.
The initial
pre-mountain section is much of a much-ness. There are two choices of route,
one much longer and more dangerous than the other, and it doesn’t take a genius
to work out which is the correct one that yields what you are going to need
later in the book. The longer route is basically a series of cameo sequences
involving a boring boat ride, Yaztromo, a fake Yaztromo Doppelganger (in a
nightmare encounter that can go on forever), a little town with various quirky
people/locations in it, and then a potentially fatal lift you hitch on a bird that
takes you to the entrance to the mountain itself. The shorter route is duller,
but does get you to the mountain a) a lot faster, and b) much more likely to be
alive and actually get there at all! Indeed, getting to the mountain and
re-living what made the original book such a seminal experience for us all is
probably what we started playing this book for in the first place... and we are
not disappointed at what we find. The map of the first (Livingstone) half of
the original has been re-used here and it makes for a real trip down memory
lane, although you are explicitly told that YOU are NOT the adventurer who killed
Zagor the first time around which does slightly distance you from the point of
the exercise here. However, the overlaying of the new version onto the old is
so vivid and well-written that this alone makes this book essential to any FF
fan. You do find yourself having to pretend to be surprised here and there, but
seeing what various moments from the first book look like 10 years later really
is a wonderfully nostalgic experience, amongst which are:
- · The Giver Of Sleep’s case is still there, dusty but empty
- · The skeleton of the (now dead) sleeping Orc guard is in its recess in the tunnel wall
- · There are marks on the wall where the paintings were hung in the painting room
- · The health-restoring “Rest ye here, weary traveller” seat is still in its position, but the lettering has worn off making it a bigger risk to sit on (although it still works)
- · The remains of the dummy-levered iron portcullis trap can be found
- · The ferry boatman still works the river (and is still prone to lycanthropic episodes if provoked)
- · Some corridors have caved in and several doors are now padlocked or barred shut
This first
half of the mountain isn’t just a re-tread of familiar territory, however, as
other dangers and inhabitants have moved in which add variety and mystery to
the proceedings. Once you have negotiated the river, you are faced with a
complete re-design of the dungeon. Gone is the frustrating Maze Of Zagor
(thankfully) and in its place is an extended dungeon section which is less
original than Jackson’s part in the original, but seems more fitting to the
idea of this just being basically a dungeon trawl. The second section is far
tougher than the first (which in itself is not without its fair share of
perils) and opens with a choice of two different “tests” rather akin to the
series’ two Trial Of Champions outings. You can choose either (very tough)
combats or a pair of mental tests, one of which is so difficult that you’ll
wish you’d risked the Stamina on the combats instead. From there on in, you
find yourself in a typically Livingstone-y dungeon cycle of items/combats/traps/death-avoidances
until you eventually (if you ever get there) get to take on Zagor himself.
The Zagor
character is an interesting one for many reasons. For a start, he was named retrospectively
and is never referred to as anything other than “The Warlock” in the first
book, but we would no doubt have known him as Zagor by the time the second book
came out, given his appearance in The Trolltooth
Wars novel and his write-up as one of the key evil wizards of Allansia in Titan – The Fighting Fantasy World. The
way he is handled in the two Firetop
Mountain books is dramatically different, and this second book’s Zagor is a
far cry from the reclusive, treasure-coveter of the first. For a start, he is now
undead, given that “somebody” killed him in the first book and he has used
magic to resurrect himself and is now slowly re-building himself from body parts
that he is plundering from the locals in Anvil (although he is still missing an
arm and he quite fancies nicking yours, as it turns out) making him into a super-intelligent
Frankenstein’s monster affair. He has also become something of a megalomaniac
in the Balthus Dire vein – his throne room has a huge Z on the door and he has
started minting his own coinage (called “Zagors”) so he is not quite as subtle
as he used to be either. Neither does he disguise himself as an old man, nor
does he feel the need to store his power in a deck of cards anymore. Indeed,
when you finally locate him, he wants to fight you half-naked and with big knives,
so you do get the feeling that he’s perhaps become a bit of a pompous tosser over
the last 10 years. It’s good in a way that Zagor is rather more sinister and
imposing than he was in the first book, and the build-up that other NPCs give
him is certainly justified this time around, plus we are surprised to see just
what the re-animated Zagor is all about, but you do get the feeling that this
is Zagor to the power of 10 and that he has been souped-up for an early 90s audience.
The surprise of what he now is is welcome, but the disparity from the original
Zagor is a little awkward. One thing he has in common with the first
incarnation is the fact that his Achilles heel(s) can be found inside the
mountain. In the first book, his decision to scatter his treasure keys all over
the dungeon made no sense at all (although it is eventually explained away in The Trolltooth Wars), whereas this time
we get the explanation that he has to balance out his use of a regeneration
spell with the requirement to leave the objects of his destruction around the
dungeon to allow potential vanquishers to make him pay the price for his
sorcery. A little far-fetched, but at least it is logical this time around. The
objects that you need to find to give him his just desserts are six teeth made
from various substances (you are initially told it’s four that you need, but it
turns out to be six), including one that seems to have element-changing
properties in that it starts out as silver and later is referred to as bronze,
although continuity was never a strong point of FF books, especially the later
ones. These teeth have (in five cases, continuity out the window again then)
numbers on them which are, and remember this is a Livingstone adventure, the
references you eventually need to turn to to use them. In an unusually helpful
move, there are also pages from books strewn throughout the dungeon that have
the numbers written on them (including the missing one) and tell you what beats
what (in a scissors-paper-stone stylie) which does make the pre-Zagor Elemental
battle a little fairer than it would have been if you had to guess what to use
and when. The Elemental battle itself is more climactic than the final showdown
with Zagor and does add an extra element of challenge and interest and makes
the tracking down of all the teeth seem all the more valid and essential to
your victory (which it is, as you can’t get to Zagor without completing the Elemental
...And that’s
pretty much the plot. Zagor is back from the dead, needs body parts from Anvil’s
people to re-build himself and Anvil’s people need someone to kill him again,
YOU are that someone and you have to find the tools you need to complete the
job. Simple in the style of the early FFs, but it does at least make sense this
time around, which is more than can be said for the original book! However, as
this is book number 50, this is far harder than the first Zagor outing. We’ve
already covered the list of standard Livingstone FF features that are included
and, whilst this is far from impossible like some of his books, it is certainly
very tough given how many items you need and the fact that it is very seldom that
you can recover any lost Stamina (you set out with no Provisions, for a start.)
Skill bonuses are more plentiful and you can carry two swords and acquire
armour to make Skill penalties less likely. Also, only a few select special
encounters are particularly hard, but those that are are VERY hard. Zagor himself
is not as strong as you would maybe expect (Sk 11 St 18) but there is no way to
weaken him so you have to face him with these stats and chances are that yours
(Stamina especially) will be pretty low by this point. In typical IL style,
there are lots of instant deaths (30 count), although Luck tests are less
common than was the norm by this stage in the series.
A big plus of
this book is how much Livingstone’s writing has progressed from the first FF.
Descriptions are far longer and immersive and there is a great feeling of
re-visiting somewhere you haven’t been for 10 years when you find the mountain
entrance (even if your character has never actually been there at all!) There
are some seemingly cramped moments where many rooms are crushed into a small
space, but the urgency of the prose and the many and varied
situations/encounters make up for this.
McKenna’s art
works well in the context that this is a whole new Zagor we are dealing with,
so the cosy familiarity that would have been present had Russ Nicholson drawn
the art for this book is replaced with McKenna’s more gothic and “real” looking
drawings. As for the cover, it is stunning with its royal purple border, huge “50”
proudly presented at the bottom, and quite frightening-looking undead Zagor
looming over Firetop Mountain and a teeming horde of baddies. The difference
between the two concepts and Zagors is reflected well through the contrast
between this cover and the first book’s (at least in its first form) “old man”
cover. As usual, Wizard’s reissue covers dumb down the effect too much to be of
any interest.
For fans of
the first book, this is essential playing material. There is much fun to be had
from revisiting the dungeon, from seeing what has changed and what has stayed
the same, and from seeing what Firetop Mountain is like without Steve Jackson’s
input. For fans of the more “out there” FF books (particularly those in the 20s
and 40s parts of the series) this may seem a bit old hat in that it is
basically just a traditional dungeon walk-through, but for anyone to whom The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain will
always have a special significance, then this is a great book despite its
continuity problems and the lack of anything remotely ground-breaking being
included. Would this have been the best ever FF if SJ hadn’t backed out? Would
it have been blighted by out-of-place (for the idiom) hidden paragraphs
accessed by doing maths whenever it seemed appropriate? Or would we have been
bored by another visit to the Maze Of Zagor? Who knows, but for me Ian has made
a really good fist of going it alone with this and this book is certainly a worthy
sequel rather than a bigger-budget, louder, and showier, but otherwise
pointless sequel, which would have been a great shame. Plus, for anyone for whom this still isn't enough Zagor, it has an open ending suggesting he might be back for another sequel...
The shorter route is duller, but does get you to the mountain a) a lot faster, and b) much more likely to be alive and actually get there at all!
ReplyDeleteAnd c) minus several items without which there is no way of obtaining all the teeth.
I'm about a month away from playing this one for my blog. I remember enjoying the nostalgia aspect the first time I had a go at it, but before long the grind of 'roll up character, do (mostly) the same as on the previous attempt, and (if lucky) survive long enough to find a new way of getting killed' robbed it of any joy.
As regards "The lie that the book can be won with average stats..."
ReplyDeleteI wonder if a superior (or at least more involved) method of character creation would be the following:
Base stats: Skill 9, Stamina 15, Luck 9
Player Rolls 1d6, can choose to put those points into Skill, Stamina or Luck. Each Point Placed in Stamina increases it by 3.
The maximum initial starting stats (of each individual attribute) are Skill 12, Stamina 24 and Luck 12. So if you rolled a 6 you couldn't start with Skill 15.
This new method would:
1. Still retain an element of luck (in the dice rolls).
2. Have players think about and mould their own style of play (rather than risking everything to dice rolls).
3. With the minimum Skill raised players will always feel heroic and will have a fighting chance at the game's combat.
4. Successful completion of each adventure could yield 1 additional attribute point (although you could always do this last point anyway I suppose).
Hey Malthus, you reckon you could do a Night of the Necromancer review at some point. Loved this review though. ;D
ReplyDeleteIt's on my list but I don't think it's going to be the next one. Watch this space though...
DeleteLoved the cover of this one, liked the contents less so.
ReplyDeleteJust replying the books, still hate this book. It has none of the joy of the original book, but at least it allowed books 51,52,53,54 and 58 to exist.