Tom Williams
Reviewed by Mark Lain
Fortress Throngard is, at 172 sections, the shortest
stand-alone mini-adventure to be printed in the pages of Warlock magazine, appearing, as it did, in Issue 9. I assume this
is another reader submission (many Warlock
short subjects were) as I have no idea otherwise who Tom Williams is, but I may
be wrong on this matter. Whoever he is, this adventure shows him to be quite
skilled in designing gamebooks structurally, even if the opening spiel hardly
grabs you by the throat and demands that you play: all we get is three brief
paragraphs setting the scene by telling us that the wood of Ergon has been the
site of abductions in the name of the wizard Throngard, that you are squire to
a certain Sir Falfax the Fair, that he has been captured, and that the only way
you can save him is by getting yourself abducted in Ergon and taken to Fortress
Throngard to pull off an inside job rescue mission. A previous statement in the
initial header section also tells you that you can prove your worthiness to
become a knight yourself by rescuing Sir Falfax, so I’m guessing that the real
intended outcome of this adventure is getting yourself knighted rather than
either liberating Sir Falfax or dealing with Throngard himself, but presumably
both of these are prerequisites to achieving a knighthood.
The Rules
tell us that we start with the standard FF equipment of sword, leather armour,
and backpack, along with the Warlock
mini-adventure modifications of 5 rather than 10 Provisions and one from the
usual choice of three starting Potions that contain two rather than one doses.
You also get the more unique additions of a shield and, as soon as you read the
Introduction, you also discover you have a knife and a picklock. These last two
items sound very specific and presumably must have an impact on the adventure:
dungeons, lockpicks; yes, I think that’s a logical combination so this appears
to make sense…. Or rather it does until you finish reading section 1 which
tells you that, in fact, you are unarmed bar your knife and you have now
acquired a stout stick. Add to this, the comment in the Introduction that You know that any other equipment [than your
knife and lockpick] will be taken as soon as you are captured and you have
to assume that you actually have no equipment except for the knife, lockpick,
and the stick that appeared from nowhere, and that the time you spent noting
down the other stuff (including the rare starting shield) was wasted as you
don’t have any of it. And this causes a big problem as it makes the double-dose
Potions of Skill and Strength completely useless as there is no way you can
drink them before you start. On the other hand, the Potion of Fortune is very
handy assuming you think to drink both doses before you begin as you will
automatically increase your Initial Luck by 2, giving you a starting Luck range
of minimum 9 to a maximum of a whopping 14 which, when you consider that you
are made to Test Your Luck in only four paragraphs (although two of these can
be handy in getting an easier path through), is very generous. So, from the
outset, we have a worrying number of glaring errors and the adventure hasn’t
even begun!
What is pleasing
to see though is that section 1 gets straight to the point in plot terms and
immediately has you meeting three potential abductors. You have a choice of
three ways to tackle them, all of which ultimately lead you to imprisonment in
the dungeons of the titular fortress (that’s good, right?), although one can be
more disastrous and results in you becoming weaponless as you lose your knife
(presumably your stick has vapourised as it never gets mentioned again after
section 1) causing you a -2 Skill penalty which, whilst a little harsh so early
on, is realistic as you are unlikely to be knowingly left armed after capture
and you should not have full Skill potential if unarmed. From your cell you
then have to explore the dungeon area of the fortress before climbing some
stairs to a gallery area lined with doors (and occasionally some animated
armour) which conceal the chambers of various dignitaries, uber-nasties, and
some essential equipment and knowledge. Now, this last is an interesting point
– for a short adventure the shopping list is reasonably long and involves both
equipment and information, much of which you cannot find until you reach what,
at first, appears to be the end. Couple this with the fact that the very early
areas of the dungeon ask you frequently if you have info or items that you
can’t possibly have been anywhere yet to gather and it soon becomes apparent
that you actually need to head for the “end” first (or as soon as you know a
certain piece of info) and then backtrack and double-about on yourself here and
there to gradually piece the true path together. This becomes all the more
apparent when you start to get direction options that allow you to retrace your
steps and in the way that you can often get knocked unconscious and wake up back
in your cell at the start of the dungeon complex which you might think is a bad
thing, but is actually often to your benefit. So, here we have an interesting
non-linear design where you have to return to previous areas and effectively
have to defeat Throngard first before exploring the earlier areas. This might
sound problematic as FFs rarely deal well with revisiting areas but this
adventure (for the most part) handles the reset button successfully and avoids
the usual illogicalities by not having things come back to life and/or not
having already collected items available to you a second time. So there is
quite a bit of sophistication in these 172 sections in terms of design, the path
through, and the mechanics, and such a level of complexity is unusual for the
early days of FF before authors began routinely deconstructing the concept from
the 40s numbers onwards. Indeed, when you crack this adventure and see the
complete route to success, it becomes evident just how complex this mini-FF
really is.
complexity level is, for me, one of the real stand-out aspects of this piece
and I was genuinely impressed with how TW worked so much neat design into so
few sections making this probably one of the most efficient and
section-effective FFs. Add to this the size of the multi-level map and the way
most of the encounters are key to the plot and thread together very well, and
you get a very satisfying playing experience. Curiously though, this is also a
bit of a dichotomy if we set this off against the shambolic equipment mess at
the start, some inexplicable moments such as you having to abandon an item if
you wish to take a deck of cards (just how big are these cards?), an awkward
jump between sections 5 and 21 which simply does not make any sense, a combat against
a foe with no Skill (do you automatically win, then?), a bonus to your Skill
that is actually a bonus to your Stamina, and a weird connection between two
key rooms involving the dragon’s chamber/fortress entrance. Similarly, there
are far too many close section links, sometimes one leading directly to the
next one or to two or three sections away. I realise this was endemic of Warlock FFs in general due to the
limited number of sections but it does kind of ruin any surprise at times
although, taking into account the non-linear back-and-forth structure, perhaps
this might not be such a problem after all in terms of actually defeating the
adventure as a whole as I feel the real point is to work this part out rather
than contend with individual section connections in microcosm.
A complex
design often suggests a high difficulty level, but that is not necessarily the
case here. Whilst you are at a weapon disadvantage early on, should you become
completely unarmed, there are several opportunities to acquire a new weapon.
Likewise, your initial loss of all Provisions solves itself with several rooms
where you can acquire replacement Provisions and/or eat what is in them. The
Rules do state that you can only eat when offered the chance to do so by the
text, but the book remembers to give you these chances so that part is not
broken (and the ability to double-back means that you can always return to one
of these areas should you need to eat again). Similarly, you can restore Luck
and even Skill here and there so there is a good balance between stat bonuses
and stat penalties. What is rather odd is the stats of combat opponents: the
frequently encountered dungeon guards are very weak (presumably Throngard is
not too concerned about actually guarding anything or keeping any prisoners
under lock and key), whilst skivvies like the butler seem over-powered. Some
opponents are very strong (dragon, demons) but they should be so this makes
sense and you can weaken the dragon considerably if you have a bow and arrow.
In fact, if you read a key book that you need to find to gather essential info
you will be told how to negotiate certain strong enemies so you should not come
a cropper. Even Throngard himself does not have to be fought (you can’t fight
him even if you want to) and instead needs to be trapped which is a nice twist
on the end baddie idea (especially as you in fact meet him earlier on than
usual) even if this does leave a loose end as he is still alive so can probably
go back to abducting people in Ergon woods as soon as he works out how to
liberate himself. This is one of the few major plot loopholes in what is an
otherwise generally logical story arc and the adventure always remains
well-focussed on the plot with several NPCs to meet, some of whom are prisoners
(the resigned-to-the-inevitable Gandorn primarily) and some of whom are
Throngard’s sidekicks. On the subject of prisoners there is a very neat
requirement to gather companions and you cannot win unless you have both Sir
Falfax and a big group of peasants with you. A clever touch in regard to
companions is that some prisoners are nuts and will hinder your progress so
there is some fun to be had too in figuring out who will and will not be of
help in your mission. Obviously, you will fail if you do not find Sir Falfax
(and there is a non-win ending where you escape without him) but instant death
sections in general are few, which adds to the overall impression that this
adventure is genuinely winnable and it can even be completed with rock-bottom
stats which is a refreshing and rare thing. This all suggests further that this
adventure’s real reason for existing is its structure and the player having to
unravel the puzzle of the true path rather than the soul-destroying FFs where
the author is trying to kill you constantly and show how much he or she hates
you. In fact, aside from dying in combat, you will only usually die instantly
if you do something completely stupid or blunder into a portal that leads
directly to Hell, which does give the fortress and Throngard himself an
undeniably sinister bent, whilst also explaining why there are demons roaming
about the place and why Throngard’s close associates are a vampire and a witch,
as well as making sense of an episode where a ghost really desperately seems to
want out!
The combined
themes of horror/demonism (even Throngard has to be trapped in a pentagram) and
the escape peril central plot make for an interesting sensation throughout of
the fortress being an oppressive and dangerous place that you really do want to
get out of as quickly as possible and TW makes a good job of presenting the
urgency of your mission through his fast-paced and unfussy prose. Initially,
you do get a feeling of being well out of your depth and the whole mission seems
to be a lost cause until, that is, you discover how easy it is to get out of
your cell (over and over again), and start to unravel the game map. On that
subject, mapping is pretty much essential otherwise the toing-and-froing will
confuse you as the directions offered are presented from the perspective of
exactly what direction you are facing at any one time (ie right could lead from
a room on the left back down in the direction you might have just come from)
which is actually a very good thing, although it could have been simplified by
using compass points (as these would never change) rather than
left/right/straight ahead. The actual mapping of this adventure though is
straightforward as there are no real convolutions as long as the occasional
weird section link doesn’t confuse you.
The dark
theme requires dark imagery and this is a rare occasion where FF cartographer
Leo Hartas gets to illustrate a FF adventure (yes, I know he did loads for
other series, but not for FF itself). His work for, for example, the Golden Dragon gamebook series, irritated
me as it had a very cartoonish look to it, but in Fortress Throngard he shows a real flare for the gothic with large
swathes of black tones accentuated by stark whites to highlight the horror (eg
the vampire and Throngard himself) or by filling the frame almost to bursting to
show the grotesque nature of some characters like the cooks or the guards.
There is a touch of how I visualise Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy of gothic grotesqueries in Hartas’ work here
and it’s a shame that he did not get a chance to illustrate a full FF. For some
reason, whoever did the layout work for this edition of Warlock made an absolute pig’s ear of positioning the images in
relation to their respective sections and often the impact of a section’s
illustration is lost due to it being somewhere else entirely (especially the
very impressive full page vampire and Throngard in his study), which is a shame
as I found myself having to play the full adventure and then look at the artwork
afterwards to visualise things more fully. I have to say though that Hartas’
illustrations of Throngard, the vampire, and also the dragon are all fabulous
pieces that really do benefit from the larger full magazine page size treatment
they get here. The main magazine cover art is by the always superb Chris
Achilleos and features a melee between a wizard, a dragon, some vampire bats,
lizards etc and, whilst impressive, only bares a passing connection to this
adventure and is probably not intended to be associated with it as, by Issue 9,
the trend of having the magazine’s cover art act as the mini-adventure’s cover
too was over.
In spite of
some glaring errors and a train wreck of a beginning equipment-wise, this is a
great little adventure. The complex and unorthodox structure is enough to carry
it, but its slick pacing and the real sense of desperation that you get whilst
playing it all add up to make this well worth your time. I would have been
curious to see what other ideas Tom Williams may have had and it’s a shame that
we did not get to see any more from him as, if this is any indication, he had
great potential as a gamebook writer. Add in Leo Hartas’ brilliant visuals and
you get a tight, effective mood piece with a threatening villain and a human interest
mission that also includes the usual gamebook self-aggrandisement. The
difficulty level is just right and the whole thing pulls together very nicely
thematically and plot-wise. This is far better than a lot of gamebooks that are
over twice its length in paragraph count and its 172 sections actually work in
its favour as, by necessity, this really drives the pace. This could have been
pointless and empty but, delivered in the way it is, the overall package is
very very good.
I really must doff my cap to you Malthus, your blog is pretty much the last word in covering some of the more obscure aspects in FF history.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if you ever played any of the mini - adventures from PROTEUS magazine ?
They are all available to read online in pdf format.
I still have yet to successfully complete Venom Of Vortan !
Thanks :-)
DeleteI have all the Proteus adventures but have only so far played In Search Of The Lost Land.
Thanks to your fantastic blog I have found this online and played it. I got killed by the Dragon- looking forward to my second go. Your blog is marvellous.
ReplyDeleteThanks John :-)