Andrew Whitworth
Reviewed by Mark Lain
Warlock magazine issue 6 offered us this short
FF penned by reader Andrew Whitworth. My initial reaction to the intriguing
title was that the adventure would be a dark episodic effort with some sort of
epic feel to it, the kind of short subject that really pushes the potential
limitations of just 200 sections and crams in a large amount of material in the
way that Dungeon Of Justice did so
well. I was a little disappointed then, on reading the background section, to
discover that the “Dark Chronicles” of the title were in fact literally a book
that is the central conceit of the piece in that it is the source of Anakendis’
power and your aim is to destroy it (after killing Anakendis, of course)
otherwise he will presumably resurrect. Already, this premise may seem somewhat
familiar and, on reading the full background, it becomes even more so: a local
settlement (Kokbridge near Fang) is being terrorised by an evil wizard who
lives deep within a cave system and the previous hero did not fare very well in
killing him. So: evil wizard, cave dungeon, curious source of power,
disappearance/lunacy of previous person who was supposed to vanquish him…. Hmm,
this all sounds very Warlock Of Firetop
Mountain-ish to me.
Indeed, this
adventure feels very like WOFM
throughout. Not only is the concept suspiciously close to that book’s but the
need to find the correct combination of keys (there are three, but only two
will open the chest that contains the Dark Chronicles), as well as a tendency
for the incorrect routes to end quickly at doors is also rather too close to WOFM for comfort. Similarly, essential
items are often down these diversion paths which, again, mirrors WOFM to an extent. Sadly, what Dark Chronicles does not do especially
well is hold the attention in the same way that made WOFM so compelling an introduction to the series. For example, the
first two potential encounters are with creatures stolen from Doctor Who in the form of an Ice Warrior
and a Macra (and yes, the Macra is a crab-type thing) which instantly makes
this feel even more hackneyed and unoriginal. Very early on you are expected to
contend with a very tough fight with an Astromancer who, after every other
Attack Round, casts one of three spells at you: darkness, fire bolts, or sleep,
the first two of which impede you stat-wise and the third of which irritatingly
sends you back to paragraph 1 to then contend with the reset button. Needless
to say, the reset button is just that and anything you might already have
killed comes back to life if you revisit it and you can end up with multiples
of some items (including one of the two essential keys). To add insult to
almost certain injury, this fight yields nothing of use and just seems to be
there to hurt and/or frustrate you. It soon becomes apparent that no matter which
directions you choose to take you will quickly be sent back to the optimum path
and by the mid-way point the map is so convoluted in the way that it links up
that mapping is basically impossible, not that you will really need to map this
adventure as you are unlikely to play it more than a couple of times because a)
it’s just not that interesting, and b) it is very easy, assuming you don’t fall
foul of one of a small number of tough fights or get the key combination at the
end wrong.
The climactic
decision point can be impossible if you have not actually found the correct
pair of keys (although they are both hidden near the start and the third red
herring key is very close to the end which, again, is not great for exploration
and replay) but it is botched in its presentation as one of the three choices
directs you to section 200. Assuming that you have already established that
this is a 200-section book it does not take a genius to realise that choosing
the number 200 option is probably going to lead to victory. This would have
been far better executed and much more challenging if a bridging paragraph had
been used to separate the choice section from the victory section and (like WOFM again) if you do somehow choose
wrongly you get more chances to make another choice. Furthermore, there are only three instant
death paragraphs and one of these is avoidable simply because of the way the
sections are randomised, as sections 171, 173, 176 and 179 are all involved in
this episode and are all on the same page! Obviously, with the limited number
of pages and their large format size, splitting paragraphs up is not as easy as
it is in a book, but surely this critical fail moment could have been spread
out more evenly to make it more deadly. Equally, this 17x episode offers you
the odd choice of potentially facing Anakendis just after the half-way mark
which seems far too strange to be worth attempting, unless you somehow believe
that the adventure can end so abruptly and prematurely (which it can’t,
It has to be
noted at this point that, due to the large number of Skill and Luck tests, you
are unlikely to get very far without both of these being in double figures, but
Luck bonuses in particular are abundant, plus you get the standard choice of
three Potions at the start which, in the Warlock
style, contain two doses meaning you can start with a Luck score of as high as
14 if you choose the Potion of Fortune and immediately drink both doses before
you even start the adventure. Essential items are mostly found after fights and
Stamina penalties can be harsh in places (losing 25% of your Stamina at one
point, a dice roll’s-worth at another point, and/or taking a -8 St hit from
Anakendis if you are particularly unfortunate) but you do start with 5
Provisions and, whilst you can only eat when instructed by the text, for once
this book actually remembers to do that and you can eat after most fights so
replenishing lost Stamina isn’t too difficult, especially given the relative
brevity of the adventure. Once you have identified the true path, completing
this book is fairly easy and it will take very few attempts to do so and this
is definitely an area where it wildly differs from WOFM as completing that book can take years.
Whilst this
is a basic dungeon crawl, there are a few moments that seem to make no sense at
all, in particular, what can only be described as the Forest Room which
literally contains a forest complete with huts (er, somehow). As an essential
item is hidden in here you have to suspend disbelief as you have no choice but
to explore this contradiction of a room.
For some reason, you can find gold pieces here and there although they
serve no purpose as there is nothing to buy anywhere. There is also a slightly
bewildering room containing an aggressive man and some meat - I have no idea
what this room is actually meant to be but you can masquerade as a meat
inspector, should you feel inclined, which suggests it is maybe a pantry even
though it contains just that one piece of meat – and an error loop that allows
you to visit it an infinite number of times (again, ignoring the reset button)
because paragraphs 23, 36 and 23 again all interlink which should not be
possible unless you are teleported in some way. Basically, this is a mistake in
the design and it does not give any advantage to keep going back to this room
as the meat only serves one purpose very close to the end of the adventure so
it is irrelevant how much of it you have got. Another moment that I found more
annoying than strange is a pit containing a dinosaur which is just that, a
dinosaur. There is no explanation of what type of dinosaur it is, it’s just a
“dinosaur” – had the writer got bored of his own creation by this point or had
he decided that, as it is not on the true path, the player would not care about
it being completely one-dimensional? Either way, this is rather half-assed and,
as the adventure progresses, this amplifies itself and it does appear that
Whitworth was getting bored and/or his muse was running dry. It is important to
emphasise that this is not as flat an experience as some other Warlock shorts (Rogue Mage is particularly dull) and the big difference between
these two is that RM was written by a
pro who was part of the Games Workshop inner circle, whereas Dark Chronicles was a reader submission,
so someone in the editorial team must have thought it worthy of inclusion and
up to the same standard as the rather better reader submissions that preceded
it in previous Warlocks, and I think
this is part of the problem as it is inferior because of the high standard set in the selection of adventures
printed in Warlock up to that point
(and after it to an extent, too). Had the Warlock
minis up to this point been just so-so this would have been a pretty average
dungeon bash that kept you occupied for an hour but, as it stands, it is not
going to stay in your memory for long.
there are at times glimpses of what could have been, in particular the way that
most of the creature encounters are unique and really make this cave
environment feel like an unexplored part of Allansia that has its own distinct
fauna. Unique to this FF are Devil Hounds, the Sand Squid, the Denrec (a
subterranean bird), the Forest Demon (which appropriately lives in the
otherwise out-of-place Forest Room), the IP-infringing Macra, and the truly
macabre Walking Mouths. As we have no benchmark for these species image-wise, the
more bizarre ones are helpfully illustrated, although the rather busy art does
make them quite hard to make out without studying the images closely. The Devil
Hounds in particular are pivotal to the plot and the connection between these,
their handler (known only as the “Houndmaster”), and a NPC named Traskannd,
draw the whole plot together neatly and connect the intro with the final act
very smoothly. An early encounter with a good wizard that Anakendis has
imprisoned within a well in the dungeon as well as a run-in with a tricky
minion called Granzork part-way through adds to this overall sense of plot
coherence and the adventure never veers away from your primary aim of killing
Anakendis and destroying the source of his power. The problem is that the
actual adventuring part is just not very exciting or inspiring and it seems
that the writer hoped that this could be driven along purely on its premise
alone and on the player maintaining the impetus to keep aiming for the final
kill rather than the experiences to be had en route.
The theory
that the climax is all that really matters in this adventure is further supported
by the end baddie fight with Anakendis himself who is very strong (by the
standards of early FFs) with Sk 12 St 20. You can reduce him to Sk 8 St 14 but
the item needed to do this is on one of the few paths that is not mutual with
the true path so, whilst the fight is made easier, you probably cannot win this
way when it comes to the final analysis when you try to open the box containing
the Chronicles. So, this is a very tough and climactic end fight and Anakendis
can deal you some serious damage if you are not careful. The generally easy
overall adventure does not really prepare you for this fight (even the
made-out-to-be-tough bottomless chasm that you have to cross to reach the final
act has multiple ways of being negotiated) and this is quite an unexpectedly
deadly encounter that does come as a bit of a surprise in the context of this
FF’s design. The pre-end baddie fight with Traskannd could also be tough but it
is avoidable.
The ultimate
aim of destroying the Dark Chronicles itself is, as with WOFM, another of those “came so far and failed at the final hurdle”
situations that FF likes to throw at you and, if you do not have the right (or
any) keys the book does prompt you to look for keys when you replay which is
both a blessing (as it means you might win next time) and a curse (as it gives
the game away somewhat). However, as I have said, this adventure is not
remotely in the same challenge ballpark as WOFM
and the destruction of the Chronicles acts more to round off the story arc
fully, rather than to do what WOFM
did and repeatedly scupper you when you think you’ve won because you’ve killed
the villain of the piece. In WOFM
this was a hard pill to swallow but a challenge to try again. In Dark Chronicles it is just a very
diluted carbon copy of a far better assassination-focussed dungeon crawl.
I have
briefly touched upon the busy art in this adventure and this is the only FF to
feature the art of Mark Dunn whose only other offerings were two creatures in Warlock number 7’s Out Of The Pit section. To my eye, Dunn’s art mixes Bill Houston’s
dark-scaled terror images from Temple Of
Terror (interestingly, Houston’s work is seen elsewhere in this issue of Warlock
incidentally) with John Blanche’s busy and macabrely otherworldly style of
drawing to create something really rather disturbing that puts over the sense
of horror of some of the denizens of these caves very effectively. Dunn’s art
is very busy and demands study to make any sense of it, but I find it rather
good and would have liked to have seen more of it in the main series. The title
image of Anakendis himself (at least, I assume that’s who it is meant to be) is
imposing and full of horror, even if it looks suspiciously like Gerald Scarfe’s
teacher in Pink Floyd’s The Wall
movie (or was this intentional?) The cover art for this issue of Warlock is Dragon Man by Chris Achilleos
which, whilst it is as impressive as anything Achilleos has done, has nothing
at all to do with this adventure, although Warlock
only intermittently had cover art that was associated with its mini-adventures,
so this is nothing unusual.
Overall, this
adventure can be summarised as a logical plot that has a beginning and end but
not much of a middle to connect them. You start with the North-West-East
choices (or the illusion of choices), followed by a deranged and unmappable
mid-section, then a series of plot-bonding NPC encounters, followed by a
difficult end boss fight and a very simple and overly-signposted final key
choice, as long as you have found the right keys, that is. Rarely can you
diverge from the true path and the general over-arching ease, combined with the
lack of anything to really inspire the player, make this gamebook one that is
unlikely to get many repeat plays. Furthermore, as there is nothing to explore
once you have beaten it, you do not even have the option to replay purely to
uncover the stuff on the other routes that you might not have taken, as there
isn’t much of it and what there is is presented so flatly by the author that
you will care even less about the wrong paths than he obviously did! Play it
once you have only got this and Rogue
Mage left to play from the Warlock
minis or play it first when you have nothing to compare it to. That way, you
might just about get something from it. Otherwise, this is as meh as meh gets.
Ouch. That's all I can say to that.
ReplyDeleteProbably the best illustration of the unmappability of this adventure is the bit where you're heading north along a passage, and another passage joins it from the south...
ReplyDeleteMore of Mark Dunn's art can be found in issues 5-19 of rival magazine Proteus.
Whichis the best from the Warlock FF adventures please?
ReplyDeleteDungeon of Justice is my favourite. Dervish Stone, Temple of the Pharaoh, and Fortress Throngard are all very good too. Rogue Mage is awful.