Ian Livingstone
Steve Jackson
Ian Livingstone
Steve Jackson
Reviewed by Mark Lain
In its
infancy, Warlock magazine needed to
find a way to present its main offering of a mini-FF adventure in the days
before any readers started chancing their hand and submitting their original
adventures for consideration. Indeed, the headline on the cover of Issue 1
states “cash prizes for your own Fighting Fantasy adventures” with a
competition inside asking readers to send in their efforts in return for money
(and publication in the magazine and canonic legitimisation of their
contribution, of course). Obviously, before the entries came flooding in, Warlock needed to find a way to fill the
intervening issues and this was done with a combination of revised versions of
already published books and teaser versions of imminent ones. Thus, Issues 1
and 2 contained the already getting on for two years old The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain split roughly 68/32 (ie Part 1 had
273 sections and Part II had 127 sections), Issue 2 filled itself out further
with a 190 paragraph truncated version of the soon-to-be-released Caverns Of The Snow Witch, and Issue 3
gave us a 185 section version of the also then forthcoming House Of Hell (with the definite article prefixed on for good
grammatical measure). All of these versions are in some way, and to varying
extents, different to their book equivalents and all are worth a look for
various different reasons.
Starting at
the beginning, WOFM as presented in
its two-part form is probably the subtlest in terms of how it differs to the
more familiar book version. By all intents and purposes, the adventure per se
is the same. In other words, the map is identical (even the torturous Maze Of
Zagor is identical if you can be bothered to map both versions and cross-check
them), the encounters are all in the same places, and the plot and purpose are
the same. The only obvious difference is that the numbered keys to open Zagor’s
treasure chest are scattered about in different rooms to the book and the order
of the numerical placing in terms of progress through the dungeon of each
numbered key (bar one) is different too. Similarly, the combination needed to
win at the end is different (well, it’s one numbered key different, anyway!) A
criticism many people (myself included) have levelled against the book version
is that it is totally illogical plot-wise and that your motives are mercenary
and wholly without honour. In this respect, the magazine version is actually
slightly improved though as its Introduction (here called the “Background”)
makes more sense as it starts with a chance encounter with an old man who relates
the Zagor situation to YOU which segues neatly into your reasons for wanting to
enter Firetop Mountain. Whereas, the book version’s intro (more abstractly
entitled “Rumours”) has no apparent context and just throws YOU straight to the
point where you want to enter Firetop Mountain. I prefer the magazine version’s
lead-in as it is just more satisfying and jars far less in that it adds more
depth, colour, and reasoning to the whole concept of the adventure.
I’m not going
to go over territory again that is already covered in my review of the book
version, suffice to say that the magazine’s opening spiel states that this
version of WOFM is “specially
revised” to make it distinct from the book version which, by all accounts, is a
good thing as most people reading Warlock
would no doubt have read the book previously. As I have said, the only material
difference between the two is the background context and the alternative
numbered key mechanics, but there are some subtler differences for the
sharp-eyed to pick out. Obviously, and by necessity, the paragraph numbering is
different in the Warlock version as
the areas up to the boathouse on the north bank of the river are covered in
Part 1, whilst the ghoul chamber through to Zagor’s study and treasure room are
in Part 2, meaning that the Livingstone-penned part is effectively now numbered
as sections 1 thru 273, and the Jackson part is numbered 274 thru 400. This
does present a starker imbalance in quality for me than in the book as I far
prefer the variety and exploration opportunities of the Livingstone half to the
frankly irritating and very repetitive Maze of Zagor that dominates Jackson’s
section. By definition then, Part 2 is rather less satisfying than Part 1 as it
is literally just the Maze bookended by the ghoul chamber and the
dragon/Zagor/key trial climax. Given that most of the keys (even in this
version) are in Part 1, it goes without saying that you cannot play Part 2 on
its own as most essential items needed to complete Part 2 are to be found in
Part 1. In theory you could play Part 1 by itself but it would end on a
cliffhanger and be totally inconclusive so I doubt you would realistically want
to do this unless you really cannot face the Jackson part of the adventure
again and are curious about finding the repositioned keys. Just playing Part II
in isolation would be very uninteresting. A more stark difference is in the
art. Whilst 90% of the art is the same fantastic Russ Nicholson work that was
seen in the book, there are a couple of little changes: the image of the
entrance to the mountain is very different and far more busy and foreboding
with its heads on spikes and swirling mists that give it a lot more drama than
the book original; the full-page title plates to both Parts are new pieces by Tim
Sell and are radically different in style to Nicholson’s art, having a rather
darker appearance and feel to them which does make the whole thing rather more
sinister; also, the larger A4 size of some of the illustrations hugely
increases their impact and does Nicholson’s work far more justice as you can
see the detail in them to far greater advantage than in the book – conversely,
the much smaller format of some other illustrations in the magazine version
reduces their effect and is almost an insult to the art at times (Zagor and the
Iron Cyclops, in particular) and I do not understand why the star/hand room (a
relatively incongruous cameo) was considered important enough to be blown up to
a full-page spread whilst Zagor himself in all his glory is hardly even A6 in
this version.
the Editorial in Issue 2 of Warlock
says “In the next issue we will be featuring a Fighting Fantasy adventure
written by Steve”. Er, what’s Part 2 of WOFM
then? Also, in the same Editorial is the statement that “Caverns Of the Snow Witch is an adventure “for newcomers to
Fighting Fantasy”. I wholeheartedly disagree with this remark given how
ridiculously difficult CotSW is. If
this was my first experience of FF I’d be put off by it for that very reason
even if it does give a decent indication of the usually unfair difficulty
levels and extreme linearity of Livingstone’s FFs. If you are more familiar
with the full-length book version, the version of CotSW presented in Issue 2 tends to feel like a trailer (which, by
all intents and purposes, it is!) as it is, word-for-word, the first half of
the book version ending after you have defeated the Snow Witch for the first
time. This format makes the opening Act when you are hunting the Yeti feel
“bigger” in terms of how much of the adventure it takes up and it takes away
the feeling that the book version gives that the Yeti section (which is, let’s
face it, the initial reason for your quest) is just a Prologue to lead to the
big reveal that makes you want to vanquish the Snow Witch. Unfortunately, this
also creates the effect of making the first Act seem all the more crushingly
hard as you are bombarded by a catalogue of high-powered combats, Luck tests,
and stat penalties that, whilst harsh in any version, seem all the harsher in a
short subject. Add to this the fact that the magazine version only gives you 5
starting Provisions (which would normally make sense in a half-length FF but is
not very reasonable in this particular adventure) and no Potions and you really
are up against it with this. The book version is very unfair due to all the
tough combats, multiple Luck tests, and loads of stat penalties, but this
shorter version, in spite of being exactly the same, seems even more relentless
in how much it is out to get the player.
Horribly hard
opening salvo aside, as this is literally just the first half of the book,
anyone familiar with the book version really has nothing to gain from playing
the magazine version unless, like me, you find it a more satisfying experience
just to kill the Snow Witch and end it there rather than having to go through
the arduous ordeal of the post-caverns coda that is simply very dull. The
truncation in the magazine version has positives and negatives and neither
version is ultimately all that good. As a good third or so of the magazine
version is taken up with the pre-caverns part, this version seems rather
unbalanced and the caverns do not seem especially “epic” once you are in them.
The flipside of this is that the book version goes too far the other way and
just way overstays its welcome. A happy medium would have made for something
actually very satisfying and I would suggest that the definitive version
(Director’s Final Cut?) would end after the second Snow Witch kill. As she is a
vampire her resurrection and you having to deal with her twice does make sense
and, as both showdowns are very different, it keeps it interesting. What kills
the book off for me is everything that comes after the second Snow Witch
slaying, none of which, obviously, is in the magazine version. As there is no
second Snow Witch fight, there is no frustratingly arbitrary
scissors-paper-stone disc battle but it also makes her first (and only, in the
magazine) death seem rather too easy, assuming you have the items you need to
kill her. Unfortunately, the early finish also means that the brilliant Brian
Slayer is not in the Warlock version,
neither are the dwarf and elf companions (whose validity of appearance is a
matter of opinion anyway). That said, most of the better encounters are in the
first part so are still here: the Crystal Warrior, the illusionist, the Ice
Demon worship room, the plot devices of the influenced dark elf and the goblins
tormenting the dwarf, etc so the actual content in the magazine version is very
good. Indeed, the story element is still decent even in this truncated form and
it is definitely better for not having the death spell part which makes the
book seem like it goes on forever. Conversely though, and this is often an
issue with Warlock short subjects,
the way the magazine version just stops after the first Snow Witch death makes
it all a bit “meh” and there is a lot of build-up to seemingly very little. The
fact that the book version handled the extension of the adventure so badly
makes this all the more unrewarding regardless of which version you are
reading. As the shorter version is still blighted by the harsh Yeti part and a
generally unfair and ridiculously linear feel, these problems do amplify
themselves in this version, although I would suggest that the compulsion to
play the short is greater than that to play the book if only because of the
awful post-caverns section in the book, but overall I suspect neither will
inspire much replaying.
The most
striking and important aspect of Warlock’s
version of CotSW is the art. The book
version featured the unique woodcut-style art of Gary Ward and Edward Crosby
which made it visually very unusual within the series and very memorable for it
too. Personally I would have loved to have seen more from this pairing but it
wasn’t to be for whatever reason (probably very tight deadlines to produce the
art, from what I can gather). The magazine version uses the much more
naturalistic and semi-cartoonish art of Duncan Smith. I liked his work in Scorpion Swamp and Fighting Fantasy – The Role-Playing Game as it suited the feel of
those pieces, but CotSW is rather
darker and more oppressive in tone which makes his interpretations of the
visuals seem almost trivialised. Now, this might just be because I’m so used to
the book’s art and am a fan of the woodcut visualisations that any other
version doesn’t look right, but I just do not feel that the Smith version
works. Some of his illustrations here look fine (the minstrel with his
curly-toed shoes is nice, Big Jim is very real-looking, the zombie is very
effective, and his dark elf is unusually sinister for a Smith image) but the
bulk of it is just too “cutesy”: the Ice Demon is far too friendly-looking, the
Yeti is hideous and looks like a deformed sloth, the Crystal Warrior looks like
Thor for some reason, I have no idea what the hell is going on with the Sentinel,
and the Snow Witch herself is a bizarre mixture of sexy and unalluring both at
the same time. Interestingly, the cover to Issue 2 has Peter Andrew Jones’ take
on Duncan Smith’s take on Shareela (or possibly the other way around) which
seems to work rather better with her striking a pose in a skull-shaped cave
entrance but that may well be because PAJ is a far more accomplished fantasy
artist than Duncan Smith in my opinion. Having said all this, Smith’s version
of the imagery does present a different take on the whole concept and it would
be interesting to see how my opinion would have been affected had his art been
used in the book and the woodcut versions had never existed. I still think it
would have seemed not dark enough in tone but we will never know. It would also
be interesting to see what Smith would have made of the plates for the rest of
the adventure and maybe even his version of Les Edwards’ cover image, but this
is all conjecture. Incidentally, this version has four sections with images that were not illustrated in the Ward-Crosby version, these being what would become in the Puffin version paragraphs 150 (white rat and sarcophagus), 221 (stripy trousers), 310 (mammoth), and 311 (dwarf in pit) - this adds another layer of interest and uniqueness in the Duncan Smith take.
The big
surprise reveal in Issue 3 was Jackson’s The
House Of Hell – the first modern day-set horror FF adventure. The even
bigger surprise for anyone who read both versions was just how much they differ
and, for those curious about this, the Warlock
version is by far the most interesting of the four (or three, if you count the
two Parts of WOFM as one adventure)
short versions of book adventures that Warlock
had to offer and is a real revelation for several reasons. Firstly, as soon as
the adventure proper begins, you start to notice the differences as even the
ways into the house are not the same as those in the book and you can find
yourself tumbling into the cellars without even getting through the front door!
Enter the house itself and you find familiar material presented in an
unfamiliar layout. The differences are considerable and just a few are: the
layout of the upstairs rooms is completely different and the naming conventions
are more “posh” house or hotel names rather than specifically Satanic/demonic
names like in the book; the lethal cellar which in the book is a series of ways
for YOU to die is much smaller (basically just the sacrificial man in the cell
and the girl being sacrificed on the altar cameos) and it is fairly easy to
escape it; there is far less reliance on Jackson’s patent hidden section puzzle
structure, although the magazine version does still add a different challenge
factor with two essential hidden sections that you need to find to survive
(which are much more conventionally signposted and require no guesswork); there
is no annoying minimum Fear score needed to succeed (it’s 9 in the book) as the
true path suggests 5 Fear points are all you need to sustain for a win so the
Fear score you initially roll won’t necessarily mean you can lose before you
have even started playing like in the book, plus there are far less red herring
rooms designed just to scare you and dangerously increase your Fear; the big
reveal at the end of the book where Franklins the Butler is actually The Master
is not in this version and it is the Earl of Drumer himself who has to be
defeated to win; there is no Hell Demon fight as killing Drumer is all that is
needed to escape the house (which is a bit of a disappointment as the Hell
Demon is one of my favourite end baddies as it is truly terrifying and I liked
the fact that the house was actually inhabited by The Master himself as it made
it feel all the more “Hell”-ish); and most importantly and noticeable is the
fact that the magazine version is far easier, in fact it does not take long at
all to beat it as long as you map it out whereas even mapping is not much help
in the book version! The whole map of the shorter version has been rearranged
(with the exception of the initial part where you meet Drumer and have dinner
with him) and, given the radically different solution too, this is in many ways
a completely different adventure to the book version. The fundamentals are
there in both - the background premise, the sacrifices/Master summoning, the
ghost lady and Morgana helping you, the Fear mechanic, your need to find a
weapon or take a -3 Skill penalty, the Kris Knife maguffin, the inherent evil
within the house – but the actual way the adventure plays out is very
different. The cameos/encounters in the short version are all in the long
version and (barring some stuffed animal heads that growl at you as you pass
them and the trapdoor outside the front door) there is nothing here that is not
in the book, but it is the overall presentation that makes this so different.
Obviously, there is a huge amount of material in the book that is not in the
magazine version (as it’s less than half the length) but most of the really
memorable key moments for me are there (George the vampire, Morgana and her
plants, the headless ghost, the ghost girl, the nude sacrifice, the talking paintings,
the nerve-wracking food choices at dinner, etc) and only the brutal torture
chamber game and the Hell Demon reveal really feel like losses in my opinion.
That said, the ending variation where Drumer rather than Franklins is the main
baddie is a nice twist and makes it feel even more different (if that is
possible). As an aside, the very close reader will also notice that some of the
text in the magazine version (especially the intro) is worded differently
and/or sentence structure is rearranged too when compared to the book.
As Tim Sell
seemed to be actively involved in the early numbers of Warlock, it is no surprise that his art as seen in the book is used
in the magazine version too which maintains the dark, demonic feel that his art
contributed to the book. Close examination of the illustrations will show three
that did not make it into the book as they are only relevant to the shorter
version: the stuffed animal heads, the Earl of Drumer attacking alone (as
Franklins is irrelevant in this version’s climax), and the study is laid out
differently with the ghostly message that appears on the paper being different
as Shekou plays no part in the true path in this version. Also, as with the two
halves of WOFM before it, we get a
full-page title plate montage of various horrors from throughout the adventure
which is something of an assault on the senses. Whilst on the subject of the
title, the magazine version is notionally entitled The House Of Hell with the definite article that was not on the
book version. The title card does not have the “The” but the cover headline
does have it, as does discussion of it inside the magazine, and this version is
generally referred to with the “The” in place. (I guess it’s a handy way of
distinguishing versions or whatever, too). As is always the case with Warlock mini-FFs, the illustrations are
various sizes from full page spreads to tiny asides and the larger format
particularly benefits the closing image of the blazing house with evil spirits
emanating from everywhere but as usual, some images are played down too by
being too small. An interesting point of note is that the notorious nude
sacrifice image is here and is larger than it is in the book which serves to
emphasise the fact that there is nothing seditious about it at all as you
literally cannot distinguish anything that could be construed as controversial
(something we have all always known!) The cover image of Warlock Issue 3 by Terry Oakes is suitably eerie and its central
blanched-faced demonic creature is certainly unsettling but it isn’t actually
in the adventure, although the Norman Bates-type Hellhouse stands in the
background awaiting the unwary so there is definitely a kind of link between
the magazine’s cover and the adventure inside.
I don’t think
I would be wrong in saying that these three/four Warlock shorts are often overlooked as they are considered to be
the same as the book version. However, in every case, there is something very
obviously different about them (WOFM’s
variant key locations and solution, CotSW
being half the length and having completely different artwork, and HoH basically being a different
adventure entirely) and these are of rather more interest than fans probably
realise (with the possible exception of the, admittedly mercifully, shorter CotSW). HoH is clearly my favourite as it is so very different and is light
relief in difficulty terms when compared to its bigger brother. WOFM is more of a novelty variant for
the completist but, as it was the granddaddy of them all, it makes sense for it
to be the opener for launching Warlock
magazine too, even if Part II is hard work by any standards when presented in
this fashion but is also a necessity in completing the piece. As I have said, CotSW offers little other than a far
less tedious slog than the book, but it is still stupidly hard to the point of
being simply unfair, and I cannot see it having much mileage compared to the
book version bar the different perspective that Duncan Smith’s interpretation
of the imagery can offer and even this is inferior to the Ward-Crosby
visualisation. The larger format of certain art plates
shows them to fuller advantage than in the books, but the far smaller plates do
not do the images any favours, plus the usual problem in Warlock mini-FFs of linking sections often being on the same page
due to the large page size can reduce the surprise somewhat (not that there are
any in CotSW, in particular).
With the
benefit of hindsight these adventures are probably more for the hardcore fan to
play and enjoy making comparisons with the book versions than anything else
nowadays and they are certainly far less essential than their book
counterparts. That said, HoH in Warlock Issue 3 is well worth seeking
out even if the other two are probably only curious diversions.
I wasn't expecting another post quite so soon and a very welcome one it is.
ReplyDeleteA most interesting comparison between the book and magazine versions.
I am currently enjoying the Cult of the black feather adventure from your Destiny's Role book. It would have been ideal for WARLOCK magazine back then.
It was fun to sit with a map of the book versions and note the parts that were different.
DeleteGlad you like Cult Of The Black Feather - it is intentionally old school.